Guest post by Jacky Souders of Mummies Nummies
What do snowflakes, fingerprints, Zebra stripes and breastfeeding journeys have in common?
Each one is different and unique. No two are the same.
No matter how many times you have embarked on a breastfeeding journey, you really never know what to expect. Just as with Zebra stripes... each child is different... therefore no breastfeeding journey will be like the last.
That is one reason why it is so exciting! There are an endless amount of breastfeeding journeys out there. Some are happy while some are sad. Others are filled with rainbows while others are plagued with tornadoes. Some are a combination of everything... all mixed into one sweet little package.
My personal breastfeeding journeys have been so different. My first daughter was born without the ability to suck, she was a "lazy" latcher, suffered from painful Silent Reflux for the first 12 months. Experienced poor weight gain at 5 months old and I battled with a breastmilk imbalance. But my second daughter was a completely different story! Her first latch lasted 45 minutes! She was a happy Nummie Lover and we are still experiencing our breastfeeding journey 33 months and counting.
I have come across so many breastfeeding journeys, which is why I created Mummies Nummies Breastfeeding Journey Book. I wanted to show everyone that no two journeys are the same but EVERY journey deserves to be rocked!
Mummies Nummies Breastfeeding Journey is a 24 page book that is filled with personal photos from Mummies and their Nummie Lovers, ranging from newborns to toddlers. Capturing their own individual journeys and rocking it the best way they know how. This 8x10 paperback book has captivating photos that shows the silly, the heart warming, the struggles and the quiet moments each Nummie Lover shares with their Mummie. Combine the original poem that captions each photo and you have an amazing book that celebrates moments that will end all too quickly.
Here are some of the journeys within The Breastfeeding Journey book:
Sarah and her adoptive son Baby Z. Baby Z was born prematurely and has suffered from multiple health setbacks. She decided to induce lactation even before Baby Z was born. Sarah also uses donor breastmilk, along with her breastmilk, WHILE using an SNS (Supplemental Nursing System.) Their breastfeeding journey is truly as unique as they come.
Tara and her son Baby E. Their breastfeeding journey began with a 6 day stay in the NICU and being bottle feed for the time spent there. They were able to push through and are now going on 7 months strong!
Danielle and her daughter Baby C. Danielle was told her breasts were “too small” to exclusively breastfeed by a hospital Lactation Consultant. When her daughter reached her 2 week growth spurt, Danielle began exclusively pumping which dropped her supply. Two months later, after an almost non existent breastmilk supply an awesome Lactation Consultant helped build her supply back up through a hospital grade breastpump and some Fenugreek. They are 16 months strong into their breastfeeding journey (breastpump free!)
Tami and her daughter Baby G. The most seasoned Mummie of our group, Tami has been there and done that! With 6 children ranging from 19 months to 22 years old (all breastfed) she sure knows the ropes and truly embraced each of her breastfeeding journeys. Tami is currently rocking her 6th journey.
Mallory and her daughter Baby H. Mallory is the youngest Mummie in our book, which is a journey all by itself. She has smashed all the stereotypes about young mummies and is a role model for every young mummie out there! Baby H and Mallory are enjoying their journey together with GREAT support from her family!
And of course you have me and my previous Nummie Lover J and my current Nummie Lover K. Baby J battled silent reflux, poor weight gain, and a rough first 6 months into her first breastfeeding journey, while I suffered a breastmilk imbalance and an insulting breastpump (who called me names!) But we choose not to give up, despite suggestions and advice from others. We had to, unexpectedly, end our breastfeeding journey at 11 months due to a high risk pregnancy. My second breastfeeding journey (Baby K) is going on 34 months and we are choosing to let Baby K choose the path.
My hope is that every Mummie knows that breastfeeding is not always “textbook” and should never be judged by another’s journey. Your journey may be very different than the next Mummie... but that is NORMAL and FINE! Your Breastfeeding Journey is YOURS! And you should ROCK IT with all you got! And because each breastfeeding journey is unique... there is a little something special for each Mummie in the back of the book. A little somethin’ somethin’ to help you ROCK YOUR JOURNEY!
Jacky Souders is a stay at home Mummie of two sweet/zany/beautiful girls (Hi Pooker and Kit Kat!), three angels in heaven(Lima Bean, Baby Heart and Twin), and wife to an amazing and supportive husband (Hi Stephen!)
Jacky is also the creator of "Mummie's Nummies," a breastfeeding support blog.
Jacky's dream was to create a place where breastfeeding "Mummies" could go for support, where they could have a place to turn without judgment. To share their stories with others and to create a place where "NO MUMMIE FEELS ALONE!" And that is how "Mummie's Nummies" was born!
She would LOVE to say that she owns a house in Bartow County, Georgia with her husband -
but who is she kidding? Her daughters ALLOW Jacky and Stephen to live in their home with them!
Wishing you a pot o' gold, and all the joy your heart can hold. Thanks for reading!