A little about me: I'm a mid-twenty work at home mom and nursing student (again, going for another degree after moving to rural Iowa,) to a nine month crazy, adorable little boy. I own a small floral and event design business specializing in weddings and parties and we also farm row crops and raise beef cattle. In my spare time (hahaha like I know what that is anymore!) I enjoy working with our Clydesdale Queen, spending time with friends and family and blogging of which I'm fairly new at but looking forward to learning a lot this year. I'm interested in physical, emotional, social and psychological development and blog about it from conception on into early childhood. My husband and I also cloth diaper and try to live greener.
Hope to meet many new friends this coming year! Leave a comment if you decide to follow so I can follow you back!
Wishing you a pot o' gold, and all the joy your heart can hold. Thanks for reading!