Showing posts with label More Followers Monday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label More Followers Monday. Show all posts

Monday, January 10, 2011

More Followers Monday!

The mama who hosted More Followers Monday last year is hosting it again! More Followers Monday is a great way to blog hop, meet new people and find more interesting blogs to read! Visit Little BGCG to see what's happening and add your blog to the list. While you're there, check out the other blogs!

A little about me: I'm a mid-twenty work at home mom and nursing student (again, going for another degree after moving to rural Iowa,) to a nine month crazy, adorable little boy. I own a small floral and event design business specializing in weddings and parties and we also farm row crops and raise beef cattle. In my spare time (hahaha like I know what that is anymore!) I enjoy working with our Clydesdale Queen, spending time with friends and family and blogging of which I'm fairly new at but looking forward to learning a lot this year. I'm interested in physical, emotional, social and psychological development and blog about it from conception on into early childhood. My husband and I also cloth diaper and try to live greener.

Hope to meet many new friends this coming year! Leave a comment if you decide to follow so I can follow you back!

Wishing you a pot o' gold, and all the joy your heart can hold. Thanks for reading! Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

Monday, July 19, 2010

More {Followers} Monday

I thought this might just be a great way to start out the blog, participating in the More {Followers} Monday get together! What is More {Followers} Monday you ask? It is a way to network and find new blogs, and also gain new followers (and who doesn't enjoy meeting new people!) More {Followers} Monday was created by three hip mama bloggers, Baby Dickey, Mama B and Little BGCG!

A little about myself: I'm 26, currently a work at home mama and student come August. I own a floral/event design business, have my bachelor's degree in biology and will be returning to school to pursue a career as a registered nurse (the job market is pretty limited where we live; it was either nursing or become a semi driver!) My husband Ryan and I welcomed our first son, Trayton into the world on April 2, 2010. I started blogging at Diapers Full of Blarney June 2010 and I plan to discuss development in babies and children!

I love to meet new people so if you decide to follow me, leave a comment to let me know and I'll follow you back!