Girl! We had our 3D ultrasound at week 19 at Prenatal Vision in Des Moines to confirm baby's gender! It was amazing to see all of the detail with the 3D imaging! The tech used a combination of 2D and 3D to check out major structures and put the images on a CD for us as well as recording the entire session on a DVD set to music! Trayton was pretty unamused until he got to hear his sister's heartbeat, then he decided to watch the screen for a while before resuming play.
We decided to announce the gender to family members at Christmas dinner with a 'Sugar & Spice' theme!
19 Weeks - Baby: It's soooo nice to refer to her as HER rather than just baby/it/they! Sensory areas in her brain are differentiating into smell, taste, hearing, vision and touch! She can hear my voice now, so hopefully she likes the stories that Trayton and I read, and my singing in the car! She is weighing in at about 8.5 ounces and measuring 6 inches from crown to rump so about the size of a large tomato. Her kidneys are continuing to make urine and she is sprouting hair on her scalp! I'm interested to see if she will have hair like Trayton or be bald forever like me.The vernix caseosa (a waxy protective covering) is forming on her skin so that she doesn't pickle in the amniotic fluid.
19 Weeks - Mom: This little girl is going to grow by leaps and bounds in the coming weeks and I've already experienced some of the sharp round ligament pain. I've also noticed redness in the palms of my hands from the extra estrogen. Not whole lot of new things for mom this week. Getting ready for Christmas and my brother's wedding in the Bahamas.Weight: 211lbs (+1 from last week, up 6 total)
Feeling: pretty well,very excited to do some shopping and crafting for our little girl!
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Week 19 belly on Christmas morning! Opening gifts with my little boy! |