1. Have our house finished (trim, fireplace, porch, 2nd bathroom and kitchen). Most of these are relatively small but just time consuming, except for the second bathroom. I don't necessarily have to have the house decorated but the construction has to be finished. This has been going on almost two years and I want to be able to enjoy it with my family rather than working on it.
2. Make a will. As much as I hate to think about this, I really feel it is something we should have in place just in case something would ever happen. I would rather over prepare than leave things unattended.
3. Continue to exercise and get to a more healthy weight. I would like to lose about 15-20 more pounds which would put me at the weight I was my first few years in college (back when I worked out almost every day!) I'm continuing to find new activities for Tray and I to do together which makes it more fun for both of us.
4. Transition Tray to his own bed. We still bedshare but he falls asleep on his own after nursing and is sleeping well through the night. I'm in no rush to do this, just gradually before we have #2.
5. Continue to educate myself about pregnancy, births, c-sections and postpartum options. You can never learn enough in my opinion and you can never be too prepared to make educated choices. If there is one thing I learned from my dear friend Emily, it is this.
6.Discuss with Ryan and look in to hiring a postpartum doula. A post is coming soon about this. When Trayton was born Ryan was VERY busy with the farm calving, planting etc. He had to leave the hospital to do things at home and couldn't take any time off for us to smoothly transition in to having a baby at home like a normal job with leave. It put a lot of stress on us and I felt overwhelmed trying to recover myself and figure out a new baby. I want to make sure the needs of my family are met stress free, especially with Trayton if we have another; it should be a positive experience not something to worry about. A postpartum doula might be an option for us with their specialized training.
7. Learn even more about and look for a specialist to have placenta encapsulated. Posts are coming soon about this too. Now before you go thinking I've gone off the deep end, hear me out. The research behind ingesting the placenta speaks for itself. It is highly beneficial because it is made by you, tailored to what your body needs. It helps in faster recovery, more energy, boosts breast milk production, and my main concern, it helps with preventing postpartum depression. Dried and encapsulated it can be taken for longer period of time to the benefits can be reaped longer. My baby blues were bad but other factors were also in play with Ryan not being available, and looking back I can't help but wonder if maybe I did have signs of PPD. In any case I am going to do everything possible to be healthy the next time around. I will be discussing it with my OB who is very supportive and also knowledgeable about alternative and natural practices.
8.Have at least a two month grocery supply stocked up and meals frozen for two weeks after coming home. I really wanted to do this with Trayton and I just ran out of time working right up to the day I got induced and getting other things ready.
9. Learn more about cord blood banking. Another thing that we wanted to do with Trayton but didn't have the finances to undertake. I plan to do lot of research on this for the next one.
10. Look for a birth education class that Trayton can attend. I want to make sure he is involved as much as possible. He's my little shadow, helper and deserves to know everything that is going on.
11. Have all the necessary baby items stocked up. A post is coming soon about this. I want to hear your opinions about what is essential to have for #2 and/or what you wished you would have had with #1 :)
12. Take a babymoon before #2 arrives. Even if its just an over night trip somewhere close with our little family :)
13. Get more massages during pregnancy and a pedicure before my due date. Even if its just one trimester, they are wonderful and a great way to keep the body cleansed! I only had one while pregnant with Trayton and I wish I had went more often. I was painting my toes the day I was to be induced and next time I want to have them done before (might have to make a trip with Miss Gabbie!)
14. Update my birth plan.15. Get a 3D ultrasound
16. Get family maternity pictures and let Tray paint my belly. We have a wonderful photographer AG Design Photography and I can't wait to have her take some.
17. Get a few more maternity clothes and nursing clothes. I was able to stay in my regular clothes until about 6 months with Trayton but I hear you start showing sooner after the first. I also had hardly any nursing clothes which was ok until I went out in public. I don't want to have to fight my clothes next time.
Wishing you a pot o' gold, and all the joy your heart can hold. Thanks for reading!